Antilipemic Tea

DEPKES : BML 862709005156

Menghancurkan lemak dan membuang racun dari tubuh
Menurunkan asam urat, kolesterol & kadar lemak dalam darah
Menurunkan berat badan
Isi : 1,5 gram x 40 bag/box
Harga konsumen: Rp.78.600,- [Distributor : Rp.68.400,-]
Tidak cocok untuk anak-anak

Produk ini merupakan teh kesehatan negeri china untuk perawatan kesehatan. Semua ramuan yang digunakan adalah alami

Isi Kandungan :

Unsur utama Herba Gynostemma Pentaphyllum, radix polygoni Mutiflori,Green Tea, Semen CassiaeaIsi Per 100 g : Gypenoside ≥ 8,5 mg

Kegunaan :

- Menghancurkan lemak dan membuang racun dari tubuh
- Menurunkan asam urat, kolesterol & kadar lemak dalam darah
- Menurunkan index pengerasan pembuluh Darah
- Meningkatkan kadar HDL yang baik/mengatur jumlah protein lemak
- Menurunkan berat badan
- Memperkuat Hati
- Mencegah penyakit otak
- Mencegah gigi cepat/mudah tanggal
- Memperbaiki penglihatan yang terganggu
- Mencerahkan Wajah
- Mencegah rambut cepat putih/ubanan
- Memperpanjang usia

Cara Minum :

2 x 1-2 sachet/hari dengan cara :didihkan air kira-kira 3 gelas (250 cc), masukkan teh dan biarkan ± selama 10 menit, sesudah itu matikan api dan biarkan, baru silahkan diminumBila diminum bersama produk lain, berjarak kira-kira 1 jam, karena sifatnya yang mengikatTiap sachet dapat dimasak sampai 2 kali

Chitosan Capsules

DEPKES : BML 862709004156

Chitosan cocok bagi usia paruh baya. Produk ini mampu merivitalisasi fungsi-fungsi sel, mengatasi kelelahan dan memperlambat penuaan.

Isi : 0,18 gram x 100 kapsul /botol Harga konsumen: Rp.279.200,- [Distributor : Rp.243.200,-]

Jangan diberikan pada anak-anak & Ibu Hamil

Chitosan cocok bagi usia paruh baya. Produk ini mampu merivitalisasi fungsi-fungsi sel, mengatasi kelelahan dan memperlambat penuaan.Jangan diberikan pada anak-anak

Isi Kandungan :

Zat Butylosar yang memiliki keistimewaan :Diekstrak dari zat keras (Crust) binatang berkulit keras (kepiting,udang,serangga) + Jamur, dengan cara dicuci dengan larutan alkali encer (supaya proteinnya hilang), lalu dengan hydrocloric acid encer (supaya keraknya hilang dari kapurnya), kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam larutan alkali pekat dan dipanasi (80-120º C) supaya Acetylnya terlepas.

Kegunaan :

- Menghambat pertumbuhan tumor dan kanker, memperkuat daya serang sel tubuh terhadap kanker,menekan penyebaran sel kanker/tumor,mampu menempel pada molekul sel dipermukaan dalam pembuluh darah, sehingga mencegah sel tumor menempel dibagian itu
- Memperkuat fungsi hati
- Mencegah diabetes, memiliki daya rekat tinggi yang dapat mengurangi penyerapan usus terhadap glukosa dalam makaan dan mengurangi terjadinya nilai puncak glukosa darah, yang akhirnya dapat mencegah terjadinya kencing manis.
- Menurunkan hipertensi
- Menekan penyerapan kolesterol oleh usus kecil, sehingga menurunkan tingkat kekentalan kolesterol dalam darah
- Menstabilkan tekanan darah
- Mempercepat penyembuhan luka
- Memperbaiki sistem pernapasan
- Memperlambat penuaan dini
- Menambah daya kekebalan tubuh

Cara Minum :

2 x 2 caps/hari, diminum dengan air hangat, bila diminum bersama produk lain beri jarak waktu 1 jam, karena sifatnya yang mengikat
Khusus untuk anak-anak dilarang minum

Selamat Hari Raya Idhul Fitri 1428 H

Cordyceps Mycelium Capsules

Secara umum bermanfaat untuk organ tubuh paru-paru, ginjal dan hati.
Isi: 0,5 gram x 100 kapsul/botol
Harga konsumen: Rp.305.900,- [Distributor : Rp.266.000,-]

Cordyceps grows in the Qingzhang height and in the vicinity at 3500 m above sea level. Cordyceps has a existence, its food includes root and trunk of small plants in the highland. In its 2-year process of growth In the soil, it can stand without food in a long time. It has cold weather and thin oxygen resistance. Its contains nutrient and element that can typically form highland biota.
1. Cordyceps is a natural physical immunity controlling system which. The function of its immunity is divided into two. In addition to its capability of improving physical immunity in man. it can also provide immunity controlling system for man having excessive immunity.
2. Cordyceps is a natural substance having a high content of antibiotic concentration.
Cordyceps has a protective capability against various sickness carrying virus.
3. It has a restroactive power to minimize inflammation.
Its capability in solving inflammation can equal or event exceed hydroconized pine.
4. Cordyceps can enlarge blood vessel so blood supply To the heart and lungs is improved.
5. Cordyceps can minimize fatigue, solve oxygen deficiency, lower blood fat, improve body cells resistance agailst oxydation process and other effects of medicine.

With such much restroactive power, Cordyceps indeed is a product that can solve various types of physical fatigue and sickness in body organ. Cordyceps now has built its scientific base. A wide experience obtained from practice has proven that Cordyceps has three specific characteristics.
First the scope of its vast use.
Second is its real benefit as supplemental medicine.
Third, it doesn't have poisonous reaction.

These three points are outlined below in details:
1. To relieve various breathing systems against powerless cough, short-breath, asthma, cold sweat, fatigue and other symptom of lung disease.
2. This product also provides a real restroactive power as supplemental medicine to heal tuberculosis.
3. Based on the result of modern medical study, Cordyceps can enhance the capability of kidney structure cell mechanism, smoothen urine outflow, minimize and heal fine vessel disease and kidney bubbles, repair any defect caused by medicine consumption.
Minimhe chronic infection and high phosphor blood disease. It effectively cOntrols a worsen symptom of poisonous urine. It is also Ilse/,uljiJr the weak section, of waist, premature ejaculation, frequent night time urination, eak kidney and weak lungs.
4. For heart blood vessel, cordyceps can slowly but sure and continually improve the heart vessel blood flow, balance calcium substance and phosphorization.

It provides healing effect and a stable restoration. Cordyceps has a high restroactive power in minimizing thrombosite accumulation, with resistant power of some 13.3% - 48.5%, so it represents a bright.prospect in anti-blood freezing in the heart vessel.

Main Ingredients:
Cordyceps Fermented Mycelium Powder, Adenosine, Mammitol
Tianshi defend is a well-known anecdote of an active ingredient in Tiens Cordyceps. When Genghis Khan, the Mongol Conqueror and founder of the largest empire in history, first invaded Southwest China, the local cavalry defeated him - the troops and their horses were more powerful than those of the mighty Khan, Genghis Khan later discovered the reason for the strength and aggression of his enemy: a plant native to the area, known as Cordyceps Sinensis. Like ginseng and pilose antler, Cordyceps is one of the most precious, nourishing and revitalizing traditional Chinese herbs. It has been used for more than twelve hundred years. Owing to its scarcity and high price, Cordyceps had always been reserved exclusively for the emperors' indulgence; and until recently, it has been virtually unknown in the Western world.

Cordyceps is one of the rarest and treasured herbs. It can be found in isolated places of south –west china, especially in the provinces of Tibet, Sichuan ,Qinghai ,Guise, and Yunnan, in locations over 3500 to 6000 meters above sae level. Cordyceps is primarily collected wild that is usually very expensive and costs up to $1000 for 100 grams.

A rare species with unique characteristics. Actually, it is a combination of a plant and worm. The parasitic fungus coprdyceps sinesis, grows on the larvae of Hepialus aramoricanus. Over its 2 years underground life, it accumulates An abundant store of nutrients and special components essential for life at higher altitudes; there fore it can endure long-term hunger .

In ancient china, cordyceps was highly recommended as one of the most effective herb for health .C.siensis was first described in Chinese medical text in c.A.D 200. Alater account, c.A.D 1600, compared this bizarre, medicinal caterpillar fungus to ginseng as a tonic. A sweet tonic for lungs and kidneys, and a tranquilizer amp; muscle relaxant controlling cough and having anti bacterial and cancer effect.

Health Care Effect:
• Provides herbal support to the kidneys
• Supports the lungs in conditions like cough, shortness of breath, profuse perspiration and fatigue.
• Anti inflammatory effect
• Enhances immune system
• Supports the body to deal with immune deficient amp; hyper-immune cases.
• Acts as a natural antibiotic agent.
• Supports the body to improve liver function
• Increases physical work capacity by countering fatigue
• Acts as a support system that helps to tolerate the effects of chemotherapy better.
• Makes the skin young amp; beautiful by improving the blood circulation

Used internally for:
• Cough
• Tuberculosis
• Inflammation kidneys
• Condition associated with kidneys weakness (impotence, back pains, night sweats)
• Menopausal problems
• Convalescence
• Naso-pharyngeal cancer
In general, cordyceps is a tonic that helps the body build strength, improves the organic functioning, strengthens the immune system and brings longevity.

Sugested Use: 1-2 capsules / 1-2 times a day with warm water (empty stomach)

Net Weight: 0.5g x 100 capsules

Calcium Chewable Tablets

Mencegah terjadinya penyakit Osteoporosis/Pengeroposan Tulang, Memelihara kesehatan Tulang
Isi: 1,2 gram x 60 tablet/botol
Harga konsumen: Rp. 157.300,- [Distributor : Rp.136.800,-]

Mencegah terjadinya penyakit Osteoporosis/Pengeroposan Tulang, Memelihara kesehatan Tulang

Isi Kandungan :
Unsur Utama : Calsium Carbonat, Deffatted Milk Powder, Fruit Meal, Stearate, Magnesium, Gelatin dan Vit D

Kegunaan :
- Sama seperti Nutrient High Calcium Powder di atas hanya dalam cara mengkonsumsinya saja yang berbeda. Ini tidak diseduh melainkan dikunyah. Rasanya enak, wangi strawberry.

Cara Minum :
1-2 x 1 tablet sehari, tergantung berat ringannya perawatan

Children Nutrient High Calcium Powder

DEPKES : BML 862709012156
Khusus Untuk Anak-anak Usia 1 -12 tahun
Membantu pertumbuhan otak, transmisi syaraf, daya penglihatan anak
Isi: 10 gram x 10 bag/box
Harga konsumen: Rp. 157.300,- [Distributor : Rp.159.600,-]


Special features:
Follow growth requirement.
Every 1OOg sachet contains more than 3600mg calcium. Has additional egg yolk powder, yolk powder contains high quality protein and 10-30% lecithin which helps in children brain cell, vision development and improve memory as well. Contains 9 essential amino acids, taurine, protein, vitamin and micro elements, Do not contain sucrose and prevent teeth decay.

Each time one sachet, 1-2 times a day 60(C)-70(C) or other food


Khusus Untuk Anak-anak Usia 1 -12 tahun

Isi Kandungan :

Setiap 100 g kemasan kecil mengandung lebih dari 3.600 mg kalsium. Ditambahkan serbuk kuning telur, protein yang berkualitas tinggi dan 10-13 % lesitin. Lesitin sangat membantu pertumbuhan sel otak, penglihatan dan daya ingat anak-anak. Mengandung 9 jenis asam amino, taurina, protein dan vitamin. Tidak mengandung sukrosa dan mencegak kerusakan gigi

Kegunaan :

- Membantu mineralisasi gigi
- Mencegah pendarahan akar gigi
- Membantu pertumbuhan otak, transmisi syaraf, daya penglihatan anak
- Mencegah dan mengatasi penyakit Rakhitis & Penyakit lain yang disebabkan kekurangan kalsium
- Menjamin pertumbuhan dan kesehatan anak
- Meningkatkan kecerdasan anak

Cara Minum :
1 Kemasan (sachet), 1-2 kali sehari, campurkan ke dalam air hangat 60°C - 70° C atau dicampur dengan makanan dan minuman yang lain

Nutrient High Calcium Powder

Kalsium II

DEPKES : BML 862709010156
Dibuat khusus untuk penderita Diabetes/Kencing Manis.
Isi: 10 gram x 10 bag/box
Harga konsumen: Rp. 183.500,- [Distributor : Rp.136.800,-]


Special feature:
The calcium is derived from the mongolia cows'spinal bone. Every 1OO g contains more that 4000 mg clean and unpolluted calcium.
which can easily absorb through our membrane cell and high in hioavailability.
Fit the international standard of ratio 2:1 for calcium and phosphate.
It is rich in Protein, amino acids, vitamins and micro elements.·
100% pure, do not contain preservative. good mouth feel and tasty.
It is a complex high calcium supplement
Each time one sachet, 1-2 times a day. Mix with warm water 60 (C)-70(C) or other food


Dibuat khusus untuk penderita Diabetes/Kencing Manis.

Isi Kandungan :

Setiap 100 g kemasan mengandung lebih dari 3.600 mg kalsium.Mengandung zat istimewa CTY yang dapat merangsang sekresi insulin menekan terjadinya peningkatan protein pada penderita kencing manis dan membantu penyembuhan kencing manis.
Mengandung unsur rumpai gandum yang bermanfaat menguatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh
Rendah kalori,rendah lemak,tidak mengandung sukrosa dan 100% alami

Kegunaan :

- Khusus untuk oenderita diabetes
- Mencegah penyakit jantung
- Menormalkan fungsi pangkreas
- Mengurangi kadar gula dalam darah
- Mengatasi kaki,tangan kering dan pecah-pecah

Cara Minum :

1 Kemasan (sachet), 1-2 kali sehari, campurkan ke dalam air hangat 60°C - 70° C atau dicampur dengan makanan dan minuman yang lainDiseduh dengan 1 gelas air hangatPenyakit Ringan : 1 x 1/hariPenyakit Berat : 2 x 1/ hari

Price :
Distributor : Rp. 159.600,-
Konsumen : Rp. 183.500,-